Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation
The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation is the state agency responsible for managing fish and game and non-game wildlife species. The Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission is board that sets policy for the department. CLICK HERE for information about the department’s wildlife and habitat improvement programs for private landowners. |
U.S. Department of Agriculture in Oklahoma
Federally funded programs and cooperative programs through the USDA Farm Service Agency, the Natural Resource Conservation Service and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service are responsible for an incredible amount of wildlife conservation, habitat improvement and feral hog management in Oklahoma. The NRCS also partners with state agencies and private landowners on habitat improvement plans. |
Feral swine are an invasive species of concern. (USFWS Digital Library)
Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality
The mission of the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is to protect the health of its citizens by protecting, preserving and restoring the water, land and air of the state. This is an agency that responds to toxic spills and is a source of information on clean water and clean air. |
Oklahoma Water Resources Board
The mission of the Oklahoma Water Resources Board is to protect and enhance the quality of life for Oklahomans by managing and improving the state’s water resources. The agency is a source for water quality reports and information on everything from well drilling to dams and water supply issues. |
The Office of the Secretary of Energy and Environment
The Cabinet Office of the Secretary of Energy & Environment serves as the Governor’s chief advisor on energy and environmental issues. Additional duties have been provided by state statute, including coordination and oversight of the state’s energy and environmental agencies and serving as the recipient of Federal Clean Water Act funding. OSEE also coordinates cabinet agencies to create efficiencies and avoid duplication of services. |
GRDA Scenic Rivers Operations
On July 1, 2016, the Grand River Dam Authority absorbed the mission and responsibilities of the Oklahoma Scenic Rivers Commission (OSRC). That mission is to protect, enhance, and preserve the Illinois River and its tributaries (Lee Creek, Little Lee Creek, Barren Fork Creek, Flint Creek, and the Upper Mountain Fork). Scenic Rivers also is a source for information about floating the river, river conditions and conservation work. |
Oklahoma Conservation Commission
The Conservation Commission assists Oklahoma’s 84 conservation districts and the public through voluntary programs that enable people to protect, conserve and restore Oklahoma’s renewable natural resources. Programs like Blue Thumb help community volunteers track water quality and educate youth and the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program and other cost-share programs help landowners re-establish riparian buffers along streams and complete other projects that protect wildlife, enhance soil health and keep our waters clean. |